Brain Blitz Pre Workout


Brain Blitz Pre Workout

Brain Blitz is a Nootropic Pre Workout that is meant to provide a a tunnel vision focus while also giving you enough energy to perform your best throughout your workouts.

The ingredients in Brain Blitz that help with the "cerebral" effect of the pre workout. 

What you can expect from Brain Blitz

  • "In the Zone" Focus
  • Clean Energy Experience for 2-3 hours
  • Good Pumps
  • Positive Mood Elevation
  • No Crash

FDN Brain Blitz Review

*Betaine Anhydrous (2 g)-Betaine is included to help increase your power output and reduce fatigue. However, research is pretty inconsistent around these claims.

*Alpha GPC (600 mg)-Alpha GPC is a focus ingredient, included for enhancing cognition.

*L-Tyrosine (500 mg)-L-Tyrosine is known for its synergistic effects when taken with caffeine, enhancing the positive effects of caffeine while reducing the negative effects like anxiety.

*Theanine (350 mg)-Theanine is another ingredient that works really well with caffeine, helping take some of the edge off high caffeine doses (Examine).
Caffeine Anhydrous (250mg) + Di Caffeine Malate (100mg 3:1)- A one-two punch with two different caffiene sources. Di caffeine malate is an extended release version of caffeine, while caffeine anhydrous,is an instant hit of caffeine.

*Eria Jarensis Extract (150 mg)-Eria Jarensis is an extract containing the stimulant N-Phenyl Dimethylamine, which is a phenylethylamine (PEA). This aims to elevate your mood during your workout.

*Theobromine (100 mg)-Structurally similar to caffeine and naturally found in dark chocolate, coffee beans, and guarana berries. It may lower blood pressure, acts as a milder, longer lasting stimulant than caffeine, and may positive impact mood.

*English Walnut Extract (100 mg)-A stimulant that is known for enhancing energy, motivation, and mood.

*Astragin (25 mg)-This ingredient helps enhance the absorption of ingredients in the body.

*Huperzine A (100 mcg)- Has the unique ability to prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase. This makes the acetylcholine production from alpha GPC last longer.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Focus and energy with brain blitz

Brain blitz is a great pre workout makes you focus on every set and a lot of energy for sure

Aaron Axon
Great focus

This preworkout provides you with a great workout mindset.
One of the better focus preworkouts that I have tried.

Aaron Axon
Great focus

This preworkout provides you with a great workout mindset.
One of the better focus preworkouts that I have tried.

Jordan Lancaster
Best Nootropic Pre Workout Ever

Focus for days. Super locked in during my workout. This pre is specifically made for tunnel vision focus, and it delivers.

Jordan Lancaster
Best Nootropic Pre Workout Ever

Focus for days. Super locked in during my workout. This pre is specifically made for tunnel vision focus, and it delivers.